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Golden Little League


  • Publish Roster Date 
    • 2025 DATE TBD [will be similar to 2024 DATE(s) shown below for reference]
    • June 5, 2024 
  • Number of Players
    • Minimum Required = 12
    • Goal = 12 
    • Maximum Allowed = 14 
  • Number of Assigned Coaches
    • Minimum Required = 3 (1 head coach, 2 assistant coach)
    • Maximum Allowed = 3 (1 head coach, 2 assistant coach) 
  • Considerations
    • A verified pre-registered Majors Division player will be automatically rostered onto a tournament team before a same-age (League Age) Minors Division player so long as that player received a vote from at least half of the Majors Division coaches.  GLL recognizes that (1) a Majors Division player has been competing during the regular season at a higher competition level, and (2) a Majors Division player was chosen for a higher competition division by way of an extensive and thoughtful pre- season evaluation and draft process.  GLL recognizes that although exceptions to this condition can exist, these exceptions will not be permitted as GLL believes this approach will generally result in teams of higher quality players.
    • Teams should be chosen in part, to provide sufficient pitching strength when considering potential tournament game schedules.
    • Players are not required to be chosen for a particular baseball position, or even the primary baseball position that a player may have occupied or excelled at during the regular season.
    • Players and/or coaches can vote for any player for any reason, and while statistical information may help form opinions, player selections may NOT be based primarily on statistical information.
    • Little League International and GLL does not require a minimum number of players to be selected from any one regular season team. 
  • Alternates/Replacements
    • In lieu of extenuating circumstances as characterized by the District Administrator (i.e. broken arm), player or coach alternates are NOT authorized to be recognized on a tournament team roster. An official player pool of standby replacements is not authorized during the Little League Tournament.
  • Multiple Teams 
    • In lieu of extenuating circumstances as characterized by the District Administrator (i.e. broken arm), a player or coach may NOT be rostered on more than one tournament team at any one time.

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